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365 Media Podcast Network

Mar 1, 2021

Rudy Bankston, Founder and President of I Am We Consulting, is learning the answer to his own question of “what does it mean to live authentically in your own skin?” In this episode of Black Oxygen, Rudy shares his story of journey of self-love as a survivor of the school-to-prison pipeline and the role of grace in his continued journey toward freedom.  We cover so many topics in this conversation including restorative justice, the ways that fear is institutionalized within our educational system, and the role of love in pivoting toward living into a higher frequency. Towards the end of this conversation Rudy reminds us, “as a Black person in this country our mandate is to consistently discover what it means to love ourselves and this goes hand-in-hand with our healing.”

To learn more about Rudy and his work please visit his website:

#BlackOxygenPodcast #BlackinWisconsin #DopeBlackPodcasts #2021 #BlackOxygenLove #LovingBlackness #AllAboutLove